

太阳能发电量: --
太阳能发电量: --
太阳能发电量: --
太阳能发电量: --
太阳能发电量: --
太阳能发电量: --
安装日期: 09-03-2020


截至 2023 年 3 月 27 日重置结果时的总太阳能产量:
单晶: 9158 kWh
Split-cell: 9511 kWh
多晶: 9113 kWh
Perc: 9471 kWh
Perc-东面: 1970 kWh
Perc-西面: 1930 kWh



大型游艇的豪华和舒适度超过了大多数人的家。 甚至酒店。 您会看到设备齐全的厨房、一流的娱乐设备,还能在装修豪华的办公室里处理业务。 Victron同时为您带来了豪华的生活空间和先进的电力设备,确保几个月的海上生活无忧。


假设您一年中有段日子要在海上度过。 船上为您准备了大量日常用品,让您可以安心地在海上度过几周,然后在自己最喜欢的海湾靠岸。 由于船上的办公室设备齐全,您可以正常工作,即便是您在曼哈顿的办公室也无法媲美海上的风景。




一艘豪华游艇会配备各种电气设备。 确保正常航行的关键设备通常使用直流电,而大型电器将使用交流电。 通常耗电最多的是空调。 洗衣机、烘干机和海水淡化机耗电量也很大。 大型游艇上还会有各种电子设备,用电更多。

每天20度电 64度电,甚至更多

“正常” 用电和“较大” 用电以及几乎没有上限的每日用电情况。 了解更多

蓄电& 转换


将电能储存在电池里有助于减少发电机的使用。 晚上用电池代替有噪音的(主)发电机,让您能够伴着泻湖的鸟鸣声安然入睡。 比较理想的情况是,深循环电池的容量充足,能够满足船上至少24小时的重要用电需求。



发电量要大。 为满足用电需求,大型豪华游艇上的电网通常会结合使用各种电力来源。 主网将使用三相电来满足最大负载。

停靠在码头时,游艇将接入三相岸电。 航行时,船上的发动机可以提供至少一部分的动力。 为保证一切运行正常,通常需要使用(多个)发电机或电池。 太阳能电池板无法提供所需的全部电力,但可以帮助节省发电机的燃料成本。

大型游艇通常配备两台发电机。 主发电机可以提供举办大型聚会所需的全部电力。 当船上人较少时,可以使用小的次发电机(与电池结合使用);如果船外气温较高,超静音发电机可以为空调供电,寒冷时为地板供暖。








无论是什么类型的房子,所有电器的用电需求都能得到满足。 这些设备都需要交流电才能运行。比方说:

  • 娱乐设备
  • 电视
  • 电脑书房
  • 手机充电器
  • 冰箱和冰柜
  • 咖啡机
  • 面包机
  • 洗碗机
  • 微波炉
  • 搅拌机
  • 酒柜
  • 洗衣机
  • 烘干机


过度放电会损坏电池。当电压低于预设水平时,添加Victron BatteryProtect会断开电池连接。从而避免电池受到损害。

Victron BatteryProtect还有更多功能。内置的停机延迟可确保重要的电子设备不会错误地断开,即当启动发动机导致电压短暂下降时。当电池充满电时,它还会自动重新连接所有东西。


The Cyrix BatteryCombiner is the only safe way to connect the house battery to the starter battery (to start your boat’s engines). With a BatteryCombiner you can charge the house battery from the alternator without running the risk of draining the starter battery (which always should be ready to go). When other sources of power are available (eg. shore/solar/generator power), the Cyrix BatteryCombiner will allow bi-directional charging from the house battery to the starter battery.


Battery Management Systems

Battery management systems take excellent care of Lithium batteries, protecting the individual cells of LiFePO4 batteries against over voltage, under voltage and over temperature and will shut down or reduce charging (VE.Bus products only) or disconnect the loads when this occurs.

Victron Energy offers several BMS options, in general the VE.Bus BMS and smallBMS signal separate devices to disconnect the charging (Inverter/Chargers, Cyrix-Li, DC-DC chargers) or disconnect the loads (BatteryProtect, Inverter/Charger), the modular Lynx distribution system features the Lynx BMS and other modules for more control over the DC busbar. For vehicles and boats all-in-one functionalities are available in the Smart BMS versions for Victron Lithium batteries, but also include current limiting to protect the alternator from overheating and BatteryProtect-like functionality to shut down the loads when pre-set critical battery conditions are met.

Victron Energy also offers full flexibility when it comes to selecting a third-party off-grid battery bank (and their BMS) of choice. A large number of well supported Lithium battery manufacturers can be easily integrated through the use of a mandatory GX-device. This flexibility enables our customers to perfectly match their off-grid needs for their unique power situation. When working with unsupported brands, a Victron Energy Battery Monitor is required to pass on accurate state of charge readings to the wider system.



电池监视仪就像电池的“电量计”,它记录消耗和充电的电量, 电池监控器会计算充电状态,剩余电量和直到耗尽的时间。 电池电压不能准确指示电池的电量(尤其是没有负载的情况), 电池监视器可以。

Victron Energy电池监视器可跟踪历史数据,例如充电周期数,最深放电,最高电压,最低电压等。 它会提醒您注意低电压或低电量等紧急情况,甚至可以关闭整个电源以避免昂贵的电池损坏或启动发电机。

Victron 提供带或不带显示屏的电池监视器,智能版本允许您在我们的免费 VictronConnect 应用程序中跟踪详细数据并调整设置。

大多数锂系统都需要电池管理系统,该系统可以将电池信息提供给更广泛的系统。 在此方案中,电池监视器可能会变得多余。 有关详细信息,请参阅电池管理系统。 查看我们的电池监测仪

Boat engines

Large yachts are equipped with marine engines similar to those in commercial vessels. The engines are designed to run continuously, for weeks on end. They come with high-output alternators to charge the engine batteries, drive fuel pumps, etc. They are also intended to power DC equipment like the desalination plant, winches, navigation, refrigeration, etc.

Boat Network

Keeping grips on all the systems on board can be a hassle. The solution: tie everything together in a single boat network using NMEA communication standards. Your boat network can include navigation equipment, tank senders, battery monitoring and much more. The status information can trigger alarms and shutdowns, adding to the safety on board. The Cerbo GX now supports the NMEA2000 out protocol, allowing you to monitor your boat’s network of systems from wherever you are.

Cerbo GX

The Victron Cerbo GX is the communication-centre of your boat’s installation, allowing you to always have perfect control from wherever you are and maximises its performance. Simply connect through our Victron Remote Management (VRM) portal, or access directly, using the optional GX Touch 50 screen, a Multi Functional Display or our VictronConnect app thanks to its added Bluetooth capability.

The Victron Cerbo GX is an easy to use visual system. Instantly monitor the battery state of charge, power consumption, power harvest from PV, generator, and mains, or check tank levels and temperature measurements. Easily control the shore power input current limit, (auto)start/stop generator(s) or even set quiet periods to avoid starting the generator in the middle of the night. Change any setting to optimise the system, follow up on alerts, perform diagnostic checks and resolve challenges remotely. The Cerbo GX turns any power challenge into an effortless experience.


A luxury yacht has a lot of DC equipment on board. Most of these devices are needed to safely operate the ship. The battery should be big enough to support them even when the ship’s engines and generators aren’t running.

  • 船舶控制面板
  • 计程仪/测深仪
  • 海图仪
  • 导航/GPS
  • Navtex
  • 自动驾驶仪
  • 全波段收音机
  • 卫星通讯
  • 海上交通识别系统
  • 导航灯
  • 风机
  • 室内照明
  • HiFi音响


Large yachts are often equipped with two or more generators. The main generator (i.e. 50 kW) covers all the power you’ll need to throw a big party. A quiet, smaller generator (i.e. 8 kW) could be used with less people on board or power the air conditioning at night when it’s hot out there, or the floor’s heating when it’s cold.

Adding batteries and Victron’s PowerAssist creates a smart hybrid power concept. It comes with several advantages:

  • Longer generator free periods.
  • Reduced rating of the generator.
  • Reduces shore power requirement.
  • Uninterrupted AC power on board.
  • Increase redundancy and therefore safety.

Bigger yachts with large Lithium (house) battery banks can also have dedicated DC-DC generators to directly charge the batteries.

GX GSM Dongle

A GX GSM module will give you 3G internet connectivity to the on board systems. When the boat is in range of a 3G network, it will send data to the VRM website and you can monitor the boat from your smartphone. The GSM module adds tracking the boat, recording your trips and putting up a geo-fence around the boat. You will get an alert via mail when the boat travels outside the geo-fence area.

GX 4G模块

GX 4G模块将为您的Victron Energy系统添加移动互联网连接。当您的系统在4G网络范围内时,它会将数据发送到VRM网站,这样您就可以通过智能手机监控系统。该模块添加了GPS跟踪功能,可以记录您的行程并在装置周围设置地理围栏。当系统超出地理围栏区域时,您会收到邮件提醒。

Victron Energy提供多个4G模块和GlobalLink 520调制解调器,前五年无需任何月费或订阅即可使用。 查看我们的4G调制解调器 查看我们的GlobalLink 520

House battery

The house battery stores power for the boat’s electrical system. Large yachts come with large power demands and the house battery should have a very large capacity.

For a house battery you can choose from two types: lead-acid and lithium. There are various reasons to favour one over the other. Here are a few common ones:

  • Choose Lead-Acid when:
  • Use occasionally
  • Lower purchase cost
  • Weight and space are not an issue
  • Normal charging
  • Choose Lithium when:
  • Use daily
  • Lower cost per cycle
  • Weight and space considerations
  • Fast charging

House battery

The house battery stores power for the boat’s electrical system. Large yachts come with large power demands and the house battery should have a very large capacity.

For a house battery you can choose from two types: lead-acid and lithium. There are various reasons to favour one over the other. Here are a few common ones:

  • Choose Lead-Acid when:
  • Use occasionally
  • Lower purchase cost
  • Weight and space are not an issue
  • Normal charging
  • Choose Lithium when:
  • Use daily
  • Lower cost per cycle
  • Weight and space considerations
  • Fast charging

Isolation Transformer

An isolation transformer prevents electrolytic corrosion. The transformer is mounted directly behind the shore power connector on board. It blocks DC currents that might leak through the shore power earth terminal. These currents can cause corrosion to all metal parts under water, like the hull, propeller, shaft, etc. The isolation transformer should have the same power rating as the incoming shore power.

It’s a misunderstanding that galvanic corrosion occurs only in metal and aluminium hulls. In fact it can occur on any boat as soon as a metallic part (the shaft and propeller) is in contact with water. Galvanic corrosion will quickly dissolve your sacrificial anodes, and attack the shaft, propeller and other metal parts in contact with water as soon as the boat is connected to the shore-side supply. It might therefore be tempting not to connect the ground conductor: this is however extremely dangerous because Ground Fault Current Interrupters will not work nor will a fuse blow in case of a short circuit to a metal part on the boat.

The safe option is to use an isolation transformer for metal boats or boats with bigger systems, sized in line with how much Watts the boat will consume from shore power.


A large yacht will take a three phase shore power supply. The large generator on board will also deliver three phases; it will run most of the day. A smaller second generator (in hybrid combination with the batteries) could be used with less people on board. a super silent version could power the air conditioning at night when it’s hot out there, or the floor’s heating when it’s cold. Without airconditioning, the inverter/charger can supply power from batteries during the night and act as a backup for the generator(s).

  • Victron inverter/chargers come with a handful of outstanding features:
  • PowerControl: automatically manage battery charging to prevent an overload of the generator or shore power.
  • PowerAssist: uses the batteries as a buffer to assist the generators or shore power during peak power demand.
  • Perfect power: even sensitive devices run flawlessly and uninterrupted on the pure sine wave power.
  • High peak-power: use heavy motorised equipment without overheating.
  • Optimize the use of a larger main generator and a smaller secondary generator.
  • Use the power stored in batteries to create a quiet generator free period.
  • Increase redundancy and safety.
  • Low self consumption.
  • Multiple Quattros can be joined to create a three phase supply upwards of 60kW (Victron can even size up to 180kVa, but that’s way too much for a Yacht).

Thanks to Victron’s PowerAssist, the generator doesn’t have to be sized for the maximum load. You can use a smaller generator which is cheaper to install, uses less fuel and produces less noise. Also, peak demand can be met by combining the generator with Victron Quattro inverter/chargers.

A three phase inverter/charger system always consists of three interconnected inverter/chargers. Throughout the boat you’ll find three phase and single phase loads. The three phases are split into several single and three phase groups. Each group powers a number of devices. There is a switchboard in the boat, like you’ll find in your home.

Lynx ion BMS

The Lynx Ion BMS is a dedicated battery management system (BMS) that protects lithium batteries against deep discharges, overcharging and high temperatures. When critical values are exceeded, the BMS acts immediately: loads are disconnected physically in case of a deep discharge and charging is stopped when there is a risk of overcharging. High temperatures trigger an immediate end to both charging and discharging.

The Lynx Ion BMS is tailored for the 24 or 48 Volt HE lithium batteries. It comes in two ratings of 400 and 1,000 Amps to fit even the biggest systems. Loads and charging power are disconnected automatically in case of deep discharges, overcharges and high temperatures. Battery monitoring is built into the The Lynx Ion BMS; no separate battery monitor is needed.


The Victron integration between our GX range and several leading Multi Functional Display manufacturer brands enables you to easily connect an MDF to the heart of your power system such as the Cerbo GX, or the GX enabled Multiplus-II GX. Once connected you can easily monitor and control your boat’s power system, right on your Glass Bridge.

3 Phase Loads

Everything is bigger on large luxury yachts. DC or single phase AC often isn’t enough to run the powerful thrusters, winches, pumps and pressure-washers. They need three phase AC to quench their thirst for power.

Professional kitchens and catering equipment come with appliances that take three phase AC. The boat might also have a three phase electrical boiler to provide hot water to several bathrooms and taps at the same time.

Examples of three phase equipment:

  • Heavy windlass
  • Heavy pumps
  • Hydrophore
  • Deck winches
  • Bow thruster
  • Stern thruster
  • Boiler
  • Professional kitchen equipment
  • Desalination plant
  • Air conditioning

Orion-TR Smart DC/DC charger

The Orion-Tr Smart DC/DC charger is used in dual battery systems, where the (smart) alternator and the start battery are used to charge the service battery (of equal or different voltages). The Orion Tr-Smart charger can be used in 12V or 24V systems and is suitable for both lead acid and lithium batteries and can be parallel connected to increase the output current.

Charging lithium batteries from the alternator

Alternators cannot be connected directly to most lithium batteries. A lithium battery will draw more current than the alternator can supply, which may result in alternator damage. A Orion-Tr Smart DC/DC charger solves this problem: it acts as a current limiter between the alternator and the battery: the battery can be safely charged without blowing up the alternator.

Please check your manufacturer for the maximum charging current of your alternator and size the configuration of DC-DC converters accordingly (the current rating of the DC/DC charger has to be less than the alternator’s current rating, or programmed to deliver less Amps).

Starter Battery

The starter battery is needed to start your boat’s engines. These batteries are different from house batteries and engineered to deal with a large discharge current. The starter batteries should be ready to go. Always use a BatteryCombiner to connect the starter batteries to the rest of the electrical system; it prevents an accidental drain of power.

Solar panels

More and more yachts area equipped with solar panels. Although they will never be able to cater for all the power needed, they can reduce the running time of the generator and fuel costs. Victron offers a wide range of highly efficient solar panels that are just perfect for marine use.

Shore Power

Usually shore power is available in the marina; it is used to run large AC equipment on board and recharge the batteries. Larger boats need a three phase supply. Sometimes shore power can’t provide enough power to cater for the total AC load of the boat. It might also just be single phase.

Often shore power is limited in how much power you can draw, i.e. just 10 Amps. Berths with higher ratings might not always be available. Victron inverter/chargers allow you set a maximum shore power current. Now you can charge your batteries and turn on any equipment without blowing a fuse. Thanks to Victron’s PowerAssist, the generator and batteries can automatically bridge the gap between supply and demand.

Sometimes shore power is less than perfect. You might run into voltage drops if you’re at the far end of the harbour. There could also be power surges, which could harm sensitive equipment on board. Victron’s inverter/chargers smooth out these problems and turn bad power into perfect power.

Solar charger

A solar charger harvests the power from the solar panels to charge the house batteries. Solar chargers have the same charging cycles as a regular, fully automatic, battery charger.

In a marine environment, the performance of solar panels changes constantly. Victron’s solar controllers use ultra fast maximum power point tracking to squeeze every drop of power out of the panels.

GX Touch

The GX Touch 50 display allows you to have an instant overview of your system and adjust settings in the blink of an eye. Simply connected to the Cerbo GX with one cable, its super slim 5 inch waterproof design and its top-mountable setup bring a lot of flexibility when creating a crisp and clean dashboard.


All Victron products on your boat can be monitored and controlled from the palm of your hand. Just connect the VictronConnect App via Bluetooth and you’ll have direct access to values like battery voltage and current. You can also turn devices on or off, as well as change their settings.

See what the VictronConnect app can do

VRM - Victron 远程管理


从任何地方监控和管理您的 Victron Energy 系统,并通过设置警报和警报及早发现潜在问题。 使用 VRM,无论您身在何处,都始终处于完美控制之中。

VRM 可与 GX 设备配合使用,例如具有互联网连接的 Cerbo GX、用于较小系统的 GlobalLink 520 或 GSM LTE 4-G。


实时监控电池充电状态、功耗、太阳能、发电机和主电源的电力收集。 通过历史图表和详细的分析报告优化能量收集和使用。 通过设置警报和跟进警报及早发现潜在问题,以防止最终的系统故障。


轻松控制岸电输入电流限制、打开逆变器、(自动)启动/停止发电机,甚至设置安静时段以避免在半夜启动发电机。 使用 VRM,您可以随时随地更改任何设置、跟踪警报、执行诊断检查并解决挑战。


Lynx Smart BMS

Lynx Smart BMS 是专用于Victron智能锂电池的电池管理系统(关于非Victron锂电池,请参见下文)。我们的智能锂电池系列兼容多款电池管理系统,其中Lynx Smart是功能最丰富、最全面的一款。其主要功能包括:

  • 内置500A接触器,用作后备安全装置,也可作为远程可控主系统开关。
  • 电池监控器,指示充电状态(以百分比表示)和其他数据。
  • 预警信号:在系统由于电池电量不足等原因关机之前发出警告。
  • 将蓝牙与我们的VictronConnect应用程序连接,可进行设置和监控。
  • 使用Victron GX设备(例如Cerbo GX)进行本地和远程监控。




Lynx Smart BMS自带电池监控功能,因此不需要单独的电池监视器。连接蓝牙后,可以使用VictronConnect来监控电池组。也可以连接GX设备,用我们的远程监控解决方案VRM来监控。




Lynx母线系统也可用于非Victron锂电池的直流配电和监控。这时需要将Lynx Smart BMS替换为Lynx Shunt VE.Can,即可监控任何其他电池。 查看所有Lynx模块

Lynx Distributor

The Lynx Distributor is a modular DC busbar, with locations for four DC fuses. It will monitor the status of each fuse, and indicate its condition with a LED on the front. When connected to a Lynx Smart BMS or Lynx Shunt, the status of the fuses will be visible in VictronConnect and VRM (when the Lynx Smart BMS is connected to a GX-device).

Multiple Lynx Distributors can be used to connect all the DC-loads and charge sources on one side of the BMS, on the other side, a Lynx Power In (without fuses) or another Lynx Distributor (with fuses) can be used to connect the battery bank to the modular busbar.

Lynx Distribution system

This product is part of the modular Lynx busbar system that also provides the Lynx Smart BMS, a dedicated Battery Management System for Victron Lithium Smart Batteries (for non Victron Lithium batteries, use the Lynx Shunt).







